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PHOENIX LETTINGS AND SERVICES is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dunraven Educational Trust (the ‘Trust’) who is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, hirers, parents, volunteers and any visitors to our schools to share this commitment.
PHOENIX LETTINGS AND SERVICES understands the importance of providing an environment that helps young people feel safe and respected. Any organisation using the school facilities out of hours where hiring involves activities for children are required to provide satisfactory evidence that there are clear DBS checks in place. Hirers must also confirm that they have appropriate safeguarding training, safeguarding policies and procedures in place that adhere to the latest DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance and Safeguarding guidance for providers.
PHOENIX LETTINGS AND SERVICES staff and school staff undertake appropriate annual safeguarding training which is in line with the current guidance as well as reading as a minimum part one of the DfE guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).
There are a number of policies and procedures in place at each of the schools that contribute to our safeguarding commitment. Each school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead who can be contacted if you have any concerns.
for the details for each individual school, their Safeguarding Policy, key contacts and Safeguarding Governor details, please refer to their own websites. If you would like a hard copy of any of our policies, please contact the relevant school office.
Further Safeguarding information can also be found on the Dunraven Educational Trust website.